Primary Insomnia (I): Why & What To Do When You Can’t Sleep

Sleep is a vital function, that exists even in very primitive animals. When we do not sleep all body functions are disturbed and the consequences of not sleeping are so dramatic, that in the past sleep deprivation was used as a method of torture.

But being less dramatic, we all know that having a good night’s sleep is essential for our body and brain to function properly. If we want to achieve optimal performance at work or in life, we need to take care of our sleep.

When our sleeping issues are not associated with a medical condition it is called: “primary insomnia”, and it is the most common sleep disorder suffered by the general adult population.

We live in a hectic, demanding world in which the better we do, the more they ask from us, and of course, this increases our stress levels, affecting not only our day but also our night.

Now, let me ask you:

Are you one of the many people that have sleeping issues?

Well, if that is the case, check the link below where you will find useful tips to improve your sleep.

Talk: Understanding Insomnia And What To Do When You Can’t Sleep

But as we know, to make positive changes we need to go beyond listening to an audio or watching a video. Thus, to help you go into action, here we share with you two different exercises to support your intention to sleep well.

The first practice is an exercise to help you unwind before going to bed. However, if you want to potentiate its effects, try to implement this or a similar exercise throughout your day, as this will have a significant positive effect on your ability to sleep at night. Of course, you need to make it part of your daily routine to start to create and maintain positive sleep pattern changes. Feel free to use this exercise as an inspiration to create your own.

Exercise 1: “Bedtime Ritual For Better Sleep”
The second practice is a relaxation exercise. Research has shown that there is a connection between muscle tension and sleeplessness. This can be caused by mental tension affecting body relaxation or simply muscle fatigue which increases general discomfort. The thing is that, if you are able to relax your body, it will be easier for you to fall asleep. This practice combines a passive form of progressive muscle relaxation and an exercise based on sleep yoga. Try to focus on the instructions (not on external conditions, the voice, or the music), repeating them silently with your own voice, this will help you train your capacity to relax without external help.

Exercise 2: “3, 2, 1, Relax Into Sleep”

Ok, that is all for now, I hope this information and exercises are helpful for you.

See you next, 

With Love, 


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